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Paint Night Brings Schools Together

Gelinas students during paint night. thumbnail264313

P.J. Gelinas Junior High School’s student government organized a special event for the fifth and sixth graders at Nassakeag, allowing them to experience what a middle school event feels like. 

In collaboration with the Nassakeag Student Council, both clubs sold tickets at their respective schools for a fun-filled Paint Night. The event featured Gelinas Principal Corinne Keane as the guest artist. Each student created a beautiful painting of the original Gelinas mascot, the Gelinas Viking. Additionally, they had the opportunity to ask the principal and current Gelinas students questions about their experiences in junior high school. The students who participated found the experience to be very positive, with many expressing that they have fewer questions about the upcoming transition to middle school.

Click here to view the Paint Night Brings Schools Together slideshow.


Date Added: 2/14/2025