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Parent University


PPS Staff Contact Information

Please contact your building Pupil Personnel Service staff member for information regarding available support services in the school and the community. Contacts for each school are listed below.

Arrowhead Gelinas
Judy Forgione: (631) 730‑4134
Kathryn DeRoss: (631) 730‑4117
Nicole Nickerson: (631) 730-4128
Pam Roberts: (631) 730‑4745
Christie Mulligan:(631) 730‑4747
Minnesauke Mount
Leia Woodruff: (631) 730‑4223
Kelly Dillon: (631) 730‑4214
Kayla Muglia: (631) 730‑4326
Lauren Rebore: (631) 730-4319
Murphy Nassakeag
Kristine Sheiffele: (631) 730‑4848
Lolita Portal-Pfeffer: (631) 730‑4843
Kate Coppola: (631) 730‑4428
Kelly McCabe: (631) 730‑4431
Setauket Ward Melville HS
Jenna O’Leary: (631) 730-4624             
Danielle Wilkinson: (631) 730-4630
Michelle Lambert: (631) 730-4623
Dianna Gott: (631) 730‑4915
Rachel LeRoux: (631) 730-4937
Nina Murphy: (631) 730‑4958
Lauren Pepe: (631) 730‑4917
Jennifer Stevens: (631) 730-4895            
Alison Herrschaft, Student Assistance Social Worker
Darislyna Villar-Sharma, ENL Social Worker and Ward Melville Student Programming