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Minnesauke Elementary School

Address: 21 High Gate Drive, East Setauket, NY 11733
Main Office: (631) 730‑4200
Fax: (631) 730‑4204
Principal: Nancy Pickford
Asst. Principal: Karen Mizell
School Hours: 8:43a.m. - 2:58p.m.

Exterior photo of Minnesauke Elementary School building

 School Vision Statement

Students of Minnesauke Elementary School will strive to achieve their highest academic potential while respecting themselves and all others as reflected in our Minnesauke STARS Pledge: Minnesauke STARS are Sharing, Trustworthy, Accepting, Respectful, Serving.

Important Phone Numbers



School Updates

Information Center

For information on how to access our free electronic resources from home, please refer to the instructions on the Parent Portal.  Included there are confidential passwords strictly for Minnesauke families to use.

Transportation Information 

We ask that you please be considerate of our neighbors during drop-off and pick-up times. Please use caution when traveling on Highgate Drive. This road is always open to both north bound and south bound traffic. The safety of our school community and our surrounding neighbors is a top priority.

For long-term child care purposes only, permission to take a different bus to and/or from school may be granted by the school principal by advance written request from the student's parent or guardian. The child care provider must be listed on the emergency contact information.

Welcome Letters

2024-2025 Welcome Letters


Supply Lists

2024-2025 Supply Lists


Current News

Minnesauke Teams Up for Book Project

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Minnesauke Elementary School students  thumbnail264157

Minnesauke Elementary School students and staff are embracing the “One Book, One School” initiative this winter, which is bringing the school community together to read the same book, “Ish,” by Peter Reynolds. The school kicked off the event with an assembly program from the Hollyrocks trivia presenters. The students enjoyed competitive challenges that included trivia, academic challenges, Hula-Hoop battles, tug-of-war and more. Then, the students enjoyed participating in various activities centered around the book initiative.

Date Added: 2/7/2025

Students in the Spirit of Giving with Stuff-A-Bus

Students in front of school bus thumbnail263275

The Murphy Junior High School student government carried out its annual Stuff-A-Bus campaign on Dec. 17, collecting hundreds of toy donations from students across the district. Murphy students rode in a school bus to Mount, Minnesauke and Arrowhead Elementary Schools, collecting donations the elementary students received during their respective toy drives. They loaded up the bus with toys, puzzles, books and games, which will be brought to the Gerald J. Ryan Outreach Center in Wyandanch.

Click here to view the Students in the Spirit of Giving with Stuff-A-Bus slideshow.

Date Added: 12/18/2024
