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High Honors for District Educators

Award winner standing with Board of Education. thumbnail264381
Award winner standing with Board of Education. thumbnail264382
Award winner standing with Board of Education. thumbnail264383
Award winner standing with Board of Education. thumbnail264384

Applauding their dedication to their professions, six district faculty were recognized for their exceptional work by the Board of Education this February.
Gina Varacchi and Jeanine Lombardo were celebrated for being named VITAL Educators. The VITAL (Virtual Implementation of Teaching and Learning) Educator Program intends to develop a cadre of expert, or VITAL, educators who can turnkey professional learning content to colleagues throughout the state.

P.J. Gelinas Junior High School science teacher Nicolette Demartino was honored for being recognized for the NY State Master Teacher Program and the ASSET Bright Light Award.

Katie Wonderland and Virginia McCaffrey were commended for being nominated for the NYS Teacher of the Year award, and Christina Driscoll was awarded the Suffolk Zone Health Teacher of the Year.


Date Added: 2/25/2025