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Visitation Day a Huge Success

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Fifth and sixth grade classes thumbnail264449
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Fifth and sixth grade classes in the district’s elementary schools became familiar with P.J. Gelinas and R.C. Murphy junior high schools during Visitation Days, held this February. For most of the students, this was their first time visiting the schools, and the building administration and staff worked hard to make the students feel comfortable in what will be their educational environment this coming fall.

During the morning visit, the students were greeted by the guidance department and briefed on what a typical school day looks like. The students also met their guidance counselors and visited classrooms and department information tables. They were also broken up into groups for a circle meet and greet where they discussed their aspirations and fears about entering middle school. Ninth graders then led the students on a tour of the building and answered any lingering questions they might have about the school.

Additionally, the district’s eighth and ninth graders from both junior high schools visited Ward Melville High School for similar orientation-style programs.


Please click here for a short video tour of the program held at P.J. Gelinas Junior High School.


Date Added: 2/25/2025