This message is from Three Village Central School District.
The New York State Education Department has released the total state aid amounts for each school district included in the approved New York State budget. The Governor’s original budget proposal would have ended the Hold Harmless provision included in the Foundation Aid formula and would have resulted in a decrease in state aid to Three Village of nearly $9 million. Thankfully, this was not included in the final budget. This means that our Foundation Aid (one component of total state aid) will not decrease.
Although we were hopeful that there would be an increase of at least a few percent in state aid, Three Village did not receive an increase in state aid from what we received in this current year. We did not include an increase in our budget planning for 2024-25 with the understanding that there was no guarantee of an increase.
Total state aid will decrease by approximately $950,000. However, this decrease is in Building Aid (another component of total state aid), as the result of one of our construction bonds being paid off. This decrease was expected and was accounted for in our budgeting for the 2024-25 school year.
We thank all members of our community who advocated for the restoration of State aid including residents, parents, the Board of Education, our local politicians, administrators, teachers, and staff. We greatly appreciate your tireless efforts.
Thank you.
Date Added: 4/22/2024