Students from Nassakeag and Setauket elementary schools have qualified to compete in the First In Math Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament. Congratulations to Nassakeag fourth graders Talinn Kim, Catherine Hu and Caroline Zhang, and to Setauket first graders Landon Kim, Paul Syritsyn and Liam Ward.
These students qualified for the New York State Tournament by scoring exceptionally well on the Virtual Regional Contest. The regional contest focused on the First In Math 24 Game Series which tests fact fluency, automaticity, problem-solving, procedural fluency and other math skills. Meanwhile, at the statewide tournament, students will use game cards in a group setting to demonstrate their understanding of math skills.
The statewide championship event will take place on June 1 at SUNY Albany. Only 150 students from New York qualified to attend. The district wishes its winners the best of luck as they advance to states.
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Date Added: 5/6/2024