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Student Author Shares Love for Literature

Ward Melville High School senior Sofia Levorchick visited the district’s elementary buildings to read her newly published picture book, “Taylor the Owl Finds a Book.” thumbnail260068
Ward Melville High School senior Sofia Levorchick visited the district’s elementary buildings to read her newly published picture book, “Taylor the Owl Finds a Book.” thumbnail260069
Ward Melville High School senior Sofia Levorchick visited the district’s elementary buildings to read her newly published picture book, “Taylor the Owl Finds a Book.” thumbnail260070
Ward Melville High School senior Sofia Levorchick visited the district’s elementary buildings to read her newly published picture book, “Taylor the Owl Finds a Book.” thumbnail260071
Ward Melville High School senior Sofia Levorchick visited the district’s elementary buildings to read her newly published picture book, “Taylor the Owl Finds a Book.” thumbnail260072

Ward Melville High School senior Sofia Levorchick visited the district’s elementary buildings to read her newly published picture book, “Taylor the Owl Finds a Book.” The book encouraged students to foster a love for literature.

“I wrote this with the goal of promoting the magic within books and reading,” she said.

After the read-aloud, elementary students had the opportunity to ask Sofia questions. She explained the months-long writing and publishing process, and how she fell in love with writing in the first place. “Taylor the Owl Finds a Book” will be added to the elementary library collections across Three Village.

Sofia is off to Boston College after graduation and plans to study English.

Date Added: 6/26/2024