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Athletics & Recreation

Department Head: Kevin Finnerty, Executive Director of Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Athletics
Office Assistants: Judy Lovett, Stephanie Romano, Mary Wiltse
Phone: (631) 730-4980
Fax: (631) 730-4985


For all athletic updates, announcements, exciting news, please visit our social media sites:

Facebook: @3VAthleticsRecreation


Senior Athletic Awards Dinner – June 13th 7pm @ the Meadow Club, RSVP by May 22nd

Three Village Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Application – Due by May 16th


Patriot Pride Sports Camp – July 1, 2, 3, & 5 – Click here for information.

Click here to register and pay.


Sports Physicals

During the month of May, the district will be offering free sports physicals for students in grades 6-11. Offering these physicals at this time is a courtesy the district provides and will clear your child for the entire 24-25 sport season.

Click here to download the parent consent form.

Sports physicals Dates and Times:
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - Murphy Jr. High School @ 2:30 in the Murphy Health office

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - Gelinas Jr. High School @ 2:30 in the Gelinas Health office

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - Ward Melville High School @ 2:00 in the Ward Melville Health office

Below are some FAQ's that may be helpful:

  • Do I have to go to these physical dates in order to play sports next year ? NO. Your child DOES NOT have to attend these physical dates in order to play sports next year. You will though need to provide a recent physical from your child's doctor to the health office in order to be cleared.
  • Are these the only physical dates that the District will be offering ? YES. These are the only dates being offered. No physicals will be offered over the summer.
  • Do I have to go to the school where my child will be attending next year? NO. You can go to any of the schools on any of the dates, but it is strongly recommended that you go to your prospective building.
  • Is there a consent form ? YES. The school doctor without a parent consent form cannot see your child. Please sign the attached consent form and email to your child's health office prior to the physical date.
  • I was told my child needs to be prescreened, what is this? Prescreening involves getting your child's vitals and any hearing and vision that may be needed. The nurses in the health office do this during the school day prior to the physical day. Students DO NOT have to be prescreened in order to attend the physicals but is encouraged as it make the day of the physicals go more quickly and smoothly.
  • What time does the physical end ? Physicals generally end between 4-4:30 pm depending on turnout. We ask that if you are not able to make it by this time to call your health office and let them know.

    If you have any other questions, please contact your school's health office.