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BOE Recognizes Staff, Community Members

BOE Recognizes Staff, Community Members thumbnail261230
BOE Recognizes Staff, Community Members thumbnail261231
BOE Recognizes Staff, Community Members thumbnail261232

The Board of Education began its Sept. 25 meeting by honoring community member, Donna Newman. Ms. Newman wrote and compiled district newsletters dating back decades. The newsletters shared district news and celebrated student and staff accomplishments. Ms. Newman saved them over the years and recently shared them with the current Board of Education.

“Thank you for being such a great historian and supporter of the district for all of these years,” Board President Susan Rosenzweig said.

Next, the Board thanked the many staff members and contractors who helped get Nassakeag Elementary School back up and running after facing significant water damage and flooding from the August 19 storm. Interim Deputy Superintendent Mr. Carlson recognized the efforts of Three Village facilities and custodial staff, contractors from School Construction Consultants and Renu Reconstruction, and staff from Nassakeag Elementary School.


Date Added: 9/26/2024