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Stepping into the Studio for Sonnet Recordings

Four students recording their vocals in a small room thumbnail254380
Ward Melville High School students collaborated for a joint English and music recording project. Ms. Shaw’s tenth grade honors students teamed up with Mr. Kunkel’s recording class to produce professional-grade recordings of sonnets the English students wrote.

After studying “Macbeth,” Ms. Shaw’s class wrote their sonnets in groups of three. Once the sonnets were finalized, the 10th graders stepped into the Ward Melville High School recording studio where their peers led them through the entire recording process – from speaking verses into the microphone, to post-production. Additionally, the classes collaborated on finding instrumental music that will be edited into the background of the sonnet recordings to fit the mood.

The interdisciplinary project was student-driven and gave students the opportunity to be creative while collaborating with one another.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 1/24/2024