Ward Melville High School students in the TEAM WARD club visited P.J. Gelinas and R.C. Murphy Junior High Schools to offer advice and encouragement about moving up to the high school. The club name stands for Targeting Emotional and Mental Wellbeing and Recovery Development, and is made up of student-athletes.
Eight high school students sat on the panel, “Inside the Mind of a Patriot” at each building. The panel was led by Ward Melville High School counselor and mental health and performance coach Leah Jantzen. Ms. Jantzen asked the high school students questions to answer for their younger peers. Students touched on several topics including balancing schoolwork and extracurriculars, handling stress and the many resources available at Ward Melville. The seventh and eighth graders were eager to interact with the high school student-athletes and hear about their experiences.
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Date Added: 4/16/2024