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Ward Melville Art Students Recognized for...
Ward Melville Art Students Recognized for... New! Several Ward Melville High School students have earned prestigious recognition in two recent art competitions: the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and the Atelier Show. Their creativity and dedication to the arts have been acknowledged with high honors. Scholastic Art & Writing... Find Out More...
New Healthy Vending Machine Installed at Ward...
New Healthy Vending Machine Installed at Ward... The Wellness Committee has introduced a new initiative to expand access to nutritious food options at Ward Melville High School. A Farmer’s Fridge vending machine has been installed in the gymnasium lobby, offering a variety of fresh and healthy selections. This marks the first time a... Find Out More...
Social Studies Department Helps Students...
Social Studies Department Helps Students... The social studies department at Ward Melville High School and The Academy recently took an active role in encouraging civic engagement by assisting juniors and seniors with voter registration. Through their government and economics classes, students completed registration forms over the past few... Find Out More...
Minnesauke Teams Up for Book Project
Minnesauke Teams Up for Book Project Minnesauke Elementary School students and staff are embracing the “One Book, One School” initiative this winter, which is bringing the school community together to read the same book, “Ish,” by Peter Reynolds. The school kicked off the event with an assembly program from the... Find Out More...


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  • Scoop with the Supt Episode #4

    Click here to watch our most recent Scoop with the Supt video.