New Healthy Vending Machine Installed at Ward Melville... modal link New Healthy Vending Machine Installed at Ward Melville... 3/13/2025 The Wellness Committee has introduced a new initiative to expand access to nutritious food options... Read More Summer Recreation Program & Travel Camp Registration modal link Summer Recreation Program & Travel Camp Registration 3/12/2025 Registration opens today and runs through April 16th! Click here to register. Date Added:... Read More Social Studies Department Helps Students Register to Vote modal link Social Studies Department Helps Students Register to Vote 3/12/2025 The social studies department at Ward Melville High School and The Academy recently took an active... Read More Mr. Neuberger Presents on Visual Arts in History at NYS... modal link Mr. Neuberger Presents on Visual Arts in History at NYS... 3/11/2025 Ward Melville social studies teacher Mr. Neuberger recently had the honor of presenting at the 2025... Read More Previous Next
Minnesauke Teams Up for Book Project Minnesauke Elementary School students and staff are embracing the “One Book, One School” initiative this winter, which is bringing the school community together to read the same book, “Ish,” by Peter Reynolds. The school kicked off the event with an assembly program from the... Find Out More... Spreading Kindness Around Setauket Setauket Elementary School students recently took part in the Great Kindness Challenge, a proactive and positive bullying prevention initiative that improves school climate and increases student engagement. The program is one weeklong initiative devoted to performing as many acts of kindness as... Find Out More... Arrowhead Pre-K Students Explore Demo Day Arrowhead Elementary School pre-K enrichment classes have been learning about building strong foundations along with super structures, as seen by their Pod Pals on their travels from Planet P. Students recently worked to build their own foundations and structures and then hosted a “Demo... Find Out More...
Announcements Summer Recreation Programs & Travel Camp Registration Opens Wednesday, 3/12/25 New {more} 2025 Spring Continuing Education Brochure {more} Coffee With Kevin {more} click to view more
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MonMar 10-14 Nass Book Fair WedMar 12-14 WMHS Model UN Trip FriMar 14 Gr. 3 Trip to WMHS Symphony Orchestra 10:15AM Holi Purim SunMar 16 WMHS Sunday Symphony 2PM MonMar 17 WMHS Varsity/JV Spring Sports Begin (Gr. 9-12) TueMar 18 PTA Joint Council (NC) 10AM Minne PTA Mtg. 7PM (Zoom Only) RCM Spring PTO Book Fair WedMar 19 Board of Education Special Meeting RCM Spring PTO Book Fair One Act Plays at 7:00 PM in the LGI ThuMar 20 Mount Multicultural Night 6-8PM Nass Gr. 5 Glow Party- 6-8PM FriMar 21 PJG Gr. 7-9 Rec Night WMHS Junior Prom 7-11PM Mount Gr. 5 Social 7-9PM SatMar 22 Art & Technology District Show 11:30-2 Ward Melville MonMar 24 Arrow PTA Mtg. 6PM Arrow SDM Mtg. 5PM RCM Musical Performance for Gr. 6 10AM TueMar 25 PJG Musical Performance for Gr. 5 and Gr. 6 10am WedMar 26 Nass PTA Mtg. 6PM RCM Musical Performance 6:30PM Board of Education Meeting (NC) 7PM ThuMar 27 Laylat al Qadr RCM Musical Performance 6:30PM PJG Musical Performance 7PM FriMar 28 Mount Gr. 6 Social 7-9PM Minne Gr. 5 Spring Social 7-8:30PM RCM Musical Performance 7:30PM SatMar 29 RCM Musical Performance 7:30PM PJG Musical Performance 1PM/7PM SunMar 30 Eid-al Fitr MonMar 31 Eid al-Fitr - Schools Closed TueApr 01 WMHS 7:00pm – Parent University Mental Health in the Digital Age WedApr 02 Pre-K Open House 5:30PM Setauket Auditorium Incoming 7th Gr. Athletic Orientation 6:30PM WMHS SET Spring Pictures ThuApr 03 Minne Spring Pictures Nass Basket Fundraiser- 4-7PM WMHS Concert: Concert Band, Festival Orchestra, Girls Ensemble 7:30PM Nass Book Fair 3/10/2025 — 3/14/2025 (all day) WMHS Model UN Trip 3/12/2025 — 3/14/2025 (all day) Gr. 3 Trip to WMHS Symphony Orchestra 10:15AM 3/14/2025 Holi 3/14/2025 Purim 3/14/2025 Trimester 2 Ends 3/14/2025 WMHS Sunday Symphony 2PM 3/16/2025 WMHS Varsity/JV Spring Sports Begin (Gr. 9-12) 3/17/2025 PTA Joint Council (NC) 10AM 3/18/2025 Minne PTA Mtg. 7PM (Zoom Only) 3/18/2025 RCM Spring PTO Book Fair 3/18/2025 WMHS 7:30pm – Parent University – Thriving Under Pressure 3/18/2025 Board of Education Special Meeting 3/19/2025 RCM Spring PTO Book Fair 3/19/2025 One Act Plays at 7:00 PM in the LGI 3/19/2025 Mount Multicultural Night 6-8PM 3/20/2025 Nass Gr. 5 Glow Party- 6-8PM 3/20/2025 PJG Gr. 7-9 Rec Night 3/21/2025 WMHS Junior Prom 7-11PM 3/21/2025 Mount Gr. 5 Social 7-9PM 3/21/2025 Nass Gr. 6 Glow Party-6:30-8:30PM 3/21/2025 Art & Technology District Show 11:30-2 Ward Melville 3/22/2025 Arrow PTA Mtg. 6PM 3/24/2025 Arrow SDM Mtg. 5PM 3/24/2025 RCM Musical Performance for Gr. 6 10AM 3/24/2025 JHS Spring Sports Begin 3/24/2025 PJG Musical Performance for Gr. 5 and Gr. 6 10am 3/25/2025 Nass PTA Mtg. 6PM 3/26/2025 RCM Musical Performance 6:30PM 3/26/2025 Board of Education Meeting (NC) 7PM 3/26/2025 Laylat al Qadr 3/27/2025 RCM Musical Performance 6:30PM 3/27/2025 PJG Musical Performance 7PM 3/27/2025 Mount Gr. 6 Social 7-9PM 3/28/2025 Minne Gr. 5 Spring Social 7-8:30PM 3/28/2025 RCM Musical Performance 7:30PM 3/28/2025 PJG Musical Performance 7PM 3/28/2025 RCM Musical Performance 7:30PM 3/29/2025 PJG Musical Performance 1PM/7PM 3/29/2025 Eid-al Fitr 3/30/2025 Eid al-Fitr - Schools Closed 3/31/2025 WMHS 7:00pm – Parent University Mental Health in the Digital Age 4/1/2025 Pre-K Open House 5:30PM Setauket Auditorium 4/2/2025 Incoming 7th Gr. Athletic Orientation 6:30PM WMHS 4/2/2025 SET Spring Pictures 4/2/2025 Minne Spring Pictures 4/3/2025 Nass Basket Fundraiser- 4-7PM 4/3/2025 WMHS Concert: Concert Band, Festival Orchestra, Girls Ensemble 7:30PM 4/3/2025
VIEW OUR FEATURED VIDEO Scoop with the Supt Episode #4 Click here to watch our most recent Scoop with the Supt video.